Level G4Es08

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Level G4Es08

B2 Course: G4Es08 Level Syllabus The B2 course, according to the U2D curriculum, requires 48 sessions distributed over four months at a rate of (12 sessions each month). Therefore, the B2 course is divided into four levels (G4Es06- G4Es07- G4Es09- G4Es08) Level G4Es08 Highlights: • Interdisciplinary Topics: Engage with a variety of subjects including physics, biology, psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, entertainment, and aspects of daily life. • Language Skills: Develop advanced reading, writing, and discussion skills through diverse expression topics. German Grammar: Learn new rules of derivation and construction within the German language to enhance linguistic proficiency

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Level G4Es12

C1 Course: G4Es102 Level Syllabus The C1 course, according to the U2D curriculum, requires 36 sessions distributed over three months at a rate of (12 sessions each month). Therefore, the C1 course is divided into three levels (G4Es10- G4Es11- G4Es12) Level G4Es12Highlights: • Interdisciplinary Topics: Engage with a variety of subjects including physics, biology, psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, entertainment, and aspects of daily life. • Language Skills: Develop advanced reading, writing, and discussion skills through diverse expression topics. • German Grammar: Learn new rules of derivation and construction within the German language to enhance linguistic proficiency


Level G4Es11

C1 Course: G4Es11 Level Syllabus The C1 course, according to the U2D curriculum, requires 36 sessions distributed over three months at a rate of (12 sessions each month). Therefore, the C1 course is divided into three levels (G4Es10- G4Es11- G4Es12) Level G4Es11Highlights: • Interdisciplinary Topics: Engage with a variety of subjects including physics, biology, psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, entertainment, and aspects of daily life. • Language Skills: Develop advanced reading, writing, and discussion skills through diverse expression topics. • German Grammar: Learn new rules of derivation and construction within the German language to enhance linguistic proficiency


Level G4Es10

C1 Course: G4Es10 Level Syllabus The C1 course, according to the U2D curriculum, requires 36 sessions distributed over three months at a rate of (12 sessions each month). Therefore, the C1 course is divided into three levels (G4Es10- G4Es11- G4Es12) Level G4Es10Highlights: • Interdisciplinary Topics: Engage with a variety of subjects including physics, biology, psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, entertainment, and aspects of daily life. • Language Skills: Develop advanced reading, writing, and discussion skills through diverse expression topics. • German Grammar: Learn new rules of derivation and construction within the German language to enhance linguistic proficiency


Level G4Es09

B2 Course: G4Es09 Level Syllabus The B2 course, according to the U2D curriculum, requires 48 sessions distributed over four months at a rate of (12 sessions each month). Therefore, the B2 course is divided into four levels (G4Es06- G4Es07- G4Es09- G4Es08) Level G4Es09Highlights: • Interdisciplinary Topics: Engage with a variety of subjects including physics, biology, psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, entertainment, and aspects of daily life. • Language Skills: Develop advanced reading, writing, and discussion skills through diverse expression topics. • German Grammar: Learn new rules of derivation and construction within the German language to enhance linguistic proficiency


Level G4Es07

B2 Course: G4Es07 Level Syllabus The B2 course, according to the U2D curriculum, requires 48 sessions distributed over four months at a rate of (12 sessions each month). Therefore, the B2 course is divided into four levels (G4Es06- G4Es07- G4Es09- G4Es08) Level G4Es07 Highlights: • Interdisciplinary Topics: Engage with a variety of subjects including physics, biology, psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, entertainment, and aspects of daily life. • Language Skills: Develop advanced reading, writing, and discussion skills through diverse expression topics. • German Grammar: Learn new rules of derivation and construction within the German language to enhance linguistic proficiency


Level G4Es05

B1 Course: G4Es05 Level Syllabus Duration: Integral part of a 36-session curriculum over 3 months. Level G4Es05 Highlights: • Subjunctive II (Con-II): Comprehensive coverage of all rules pertaining to hypothetical tense constructions. • Comparative Adjectives: Detailed study of comparative adjective forms and their applications. • Connective Usage: Enhanced understanding of 'da' as a connective in complex sentences. • Verb 'lassen': Exploration of the diverse rules governing the use of 'lassen'. • Adverbs: Insight into unique German adverbs and their usage in sentences. • 'Als ob' Constructions: Mastery of 'als ob' sentences for hypothetical expressions. • Translation Skills: Initiating the translation of extensive texts into German. • Conditional Sentences: Complete command over the remaining rules of conditional sentence structures. • Reported Speech: Proficiency in reported speech using Subjunctive I (Sub_I) and its comprehensive rules. • Passive Voice: Full understanding and application of the passive voice in various contexts.


Level G4Es04 :

B1 Course: G4Es04 Level Syllabus Duration: Part of a 36-session program over 3 months. Level G4Es04 Highlights: • Imperative Forms: Expansion of imperative structures for effective command articulation. • Prepositions & Verbs: Integration of compound prepositions in verbal communication. • Reflexive Verbs: In-depth exploration of advanced reflexive verb usage. • Tenses Mastery: Proficiency in Past Perfect and Future Perfect tenses. • Hypothetical Constructs: Formulation of complete hypothetical scenarios. • Passive Voice: Application of the past passive voice in context. • Polite Requests: Utilization of Subjunctive II for tactful requests. • Literary Comprehension: Analysis of relative sentences within literary works. • Non-Verbal Structures: Mastery of constructions incorporating "zu" for nuanced expression


Level G4Es03

Duration: 36 sessions over 3 months (12 sessions/month) Structure: Segmented into three levels (G4Es03-G4Es04_G4Es05) Level G4Es03 Focus: • - Reading Comprehension: Tackle 4 advanced B2-level texts, fostering critical reading skills. • - Grammar Proficiency: Master adverbs and adjectives, including conjugation and related grammatical rules. • - Verb Usage: Explore soft-initiated verbs, reflexive verbs, and their foundational structures. • - Adjective Derivation: Learn to derive adjectives from active participles, understanding "Partizip I" and "Partizip II."


M02 course syllabus

• Question tools as connectives and their rules, "Wenn", "ob" as connectives and their rules. • Conjugation of German modal verbs in the simple past "Präteritum" and Sub-II and their uses in polite requests. • The German genitive.. • The rest of the rules for definite and indefinite articles and their strange uses. Review all the rules of parsing its objects. • Prepositions of all four types. • The irregularity of the present tense with strong verbs. • Past tense "das Präteritm". • The perfect verb "das Perfekt".


M01 course syllabus:

• Review of the basics of similarities between the two languages and how to practically benefit from these similarities in learning German. • Series of consonant shifts between the two languages; letters, and spelling. • Pronouns table. • Colors, days of the week, numbers (including fractions and ordinal adjectives), months, seasons, and times of the day. • Conjunctions "und" and its counterparts. • The verbs "haben" and "sein". • The definite article "der" and the indefinite article "ein" and their counterparts in the four cases (NADG). • The difference between the objects (D and A). • The gender of German words in terms of meaning, derivation, and final letters. • Plurals in the German language and their rules. • Sentence connectors "weil" and its counterparts. • Verbs that require "zu"; and weak masculine nouns.
